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GpgFrontend is available for download through multiple channels. For more detailed instructions on installation and getting started, please refer to the Getting Started Guide.

Download Options Across Platforms

GitHub Releases

  • Latest Release Download: Click the badge below to directly navigate to the GitHub page for the latest release download.

    GitHub Release (latest by date)


  • SourceForge Download: Access the download page on SourceForge through the download button below.

    Download GpgFrontend

Homebrew Cask

  • Homebrew Cask: Mac users can check the version information through the badge below or install using the command line.

    Homebrew Cask

    Install command:

    brew install --cask gpgfrontend


  • Flatpak Installation: Linux users can click the image below to navigate to the Flathub page for installation.

    Download on Flathub

Microsoft Store

  • Microsoft Store Download: Windows users can visit the application store page through the Microsoft Store badge below.